miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Our walls

Students of Nivel II share important facts about their past. Try to guess who wrote each sentence!

Students of Nivel I are asked to guess whose are these parts of the body!

Word clouds

An interesting and beautiful way to revise vocabulary

           Unit 3 Nivel I A                                  Unit 1-3 Nivel II A

Are you addicted?

  1. Do you check your messages first thing in the morning?
  2. Do you check your phone before going to sleep?
  3. Do you check your phone regularly with no reason?
  4. Do you feel you must read a message as soon as you receive it? 
  5.  Do you check your phone or send text messages in social situations, eg at dinner or while talking to friends?
  6.  Do you check your phone more than 30 times a day?
  7. Do you always check or use your phone during ‘dead’ time,such as waiting for a bus or an appointment?
  8. Do you often want to check your phone or send text messages while driving?
  9. Do you worry about losing your phone?
  10. Do you worry about being addicted to your phone? 

If you answered "yes" to more than 6 questions you´re probably addicted to your mobile phone!